Are you passionate about pursuing a career in Malaysia? Do you dream of studying at top universities around the globe but worry about the study finances? The Petronas Scholarship...
Yayasan Terengganu Scholarship in Malaysia is open now! Yayasan Terengganu offers scholarships for Malaysian citizens in programs including Local programs, Overseas A-Levels (UK), and other overseas programs. A higher priority...
The Sime Darby Scholarship and bursaries are open to qualified and deserving Malaysian students and are offered by Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) or the Sime Darby Foundation. The scholarship is...
Applications are now accepted to apply for the Biasiswa Karangkraf Scholarship in Malaysia for the academic year 2025. This education fund is open to help the SPM, STPM, and...
Applications are accepted to apply for the Yayasan Bank Rakyat Scholarship 2025 in Malaysia. PPBU scholarship is open to Malaysian citizens. The scholarship is offered at the higher education...
Applications are now accepted to apply for the JPA LSPM Scholarship (Program Khas Lepasan SPM Dalam Negara) in Malaysia. Under the Department of Public Service (JPA) sponsorship, Malaysian certificates...
Applications are now accepted to apply for the JPA PIDN Scholarship (Domestic Degree Program) in Malaysia for Malaysian citizens. The PIDN Domestic Degree Program is a sponsorship program that targets...
JPA PPN Scholarship in Malaysia is the most prestigious scholarship offered by JPA for outstanding students to pursue their higher education. This exclusive program supports 20 outstanding Malaysian students...
Applications for the JPA MARA Scholarship in Malaysia have now been accepted. This program is a collaboration between JPA and MARA. Bumiputera students who have excellent SPM results and...
The JPA JKPJ Scholarship (Japan, Korea, France, and Germany Special Program) in Malaysia is offered by the Public Service Department (JPA) to SPM students in the fields of Engineering,...